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How Google does web-based code reviews with Mondrian

Posted in Links, Programming and Software Development, Technology by engtech on December 01, 2006

Niall has a good post describing an internal Google tool for web-based code reviews built by the same guy who brought us Python. Anything beats sitting in a conference room looking at printed out code.

Tangent: I’ve been thinking that it would be very useful to have a web-based copy editing tool for websites (particularly blogs). Readers could mark-up and correct posts and the authors could view the results and incorporate them back into the article. It would be useless to monetize, but could would be a very cool open source plugin.

Guido van Rossum unveiled his first Google project, Mondrian, tonight during a Python tech talk at the Google campus in Mountain View. Mondrian is a web-based code review system built on top of a Perforce and BigTable backend with a Python-powered front-end. Mondrian is a pretty impressive system and is currently in use across Google.

>> Google Mondrian: Web-based code review and storage

Joel has an unrelated post up about the source control process used at Microsoft. Surprise, surprise: It’s also Perforce.

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  1. Anamika halder said, on February 27, 2007 at 12:45 pm

    I want to how to find the software coding from googlle search.com

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